
어느 게임 개발자가 리눅스판으로도 게임을 냈더니...


개발자 입장에선 이렇게 리눅스판을 내는 것도 디버깅에서 소중한 자산 확보가 가능할 것 같군요.

- AV: Rings of Saturn is a space background game available for early access on Steam. - It has sold around 12,000 copies, with approximately 700 copies sold for the Linux version. - Bugs specific to Linux users have been identified during bug reports and statistics collection. - Windows users have reported bugs at a rate of 1 in 11 users, while Linux users have reported bugs at a rate of 1 in 1.7 users. - The reported bugs range from game crashes to technical issues. - AV: Rings of Saturn is a hard sci-fi, top-down physics-based space mining simulator. - Players can master realistic spaceflight using true-to-life technology, upgrade their ship, and hire a crew. - Recent reviews for the game have been positive. - Linux users have been providing valuable feedback and suggestions to the developers, often through direct communication on Discord. - These Linux users have assisted in fixing 38% of the total bugs reported, despite only accounting for 5% of the overall user base. - The game is developed by Kodera Software and Kurki Games.
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