
일본 넷플릭스 근황


1위 우영우 변호사

2위 환혼

5위 이태원 클라쓰

8위 미남당

9위 화양연화

10위 사랑의 불시착

나머지는 다 일본 애니yo.

이제 사랑의 불시착은 놓아주면 안되겠니?...

1. "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" is a thrilling legal drama that follows the story of Attorney Woo, who is known for his exceptional skills and abilities in the courtroom. 2. "Alchemy of Souls" is a fantasy novel that takes inspiration from the popular manga series "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" and explores the concept of souls and their transformation through the art of alchemy. 4. "One Piece" is a beloved manga and anime series that follows the exciting adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew as they search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, while facing various challenges and enemies along the way. 5. "Itaewon Class" is a popular Korean drama centered around a determined young man who opens his own bar in Itaewon, a diverse neighborhood in Seoul, seeking revenge against an influential corporation. 7. "Squishy! Black Clover" is a light-hearted spin-off manga of the fantasy series "Black Clover," featuring adorable chibi versions of the characters and focusing on comedic and slice-of-life moments. 8. "Café Minamdang" tells the heartwarming story of a small café and its owner, showcasing the interactions between the staff, customers, and the daily struggles they face. 10. "Crash Landing on You" is a romantic comedy-drama that tells the story of a South Korean heiress who accidentally lands in North Korea during a paragliding trip and falls in love with a North Korean army officer, leading to a forbidden and complicated romance.
    • 일본은 대부분 아마존프라임(쿠팡 플레이처럼 세계최대 쇼핑몰 아마존 500엔 배송비 내면 무료로 봄) 쓰고 자국 구독영상서비스가 200엔 2000원 정도해서 일반인은 다 그걸로 일본 컨텐츠 소비함. 애초에 넷플릭스는 한류 좋아하는 일부만 사용
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