
이상민 망언에 CNN 담당자 코멘트


이상민 대한민국 행안부장관 :

경찰 소방 배치로 해결된 문제 아니었다.

CNN 재난관련담당자 :

“There is a responsibility on the part of the authorities to be monitoring crowd volume in real time,

 so they can sense the need to get people out,” Kayyem said

당국은 군중의 양을 실시간으로 모니터링하여 사람들을 대피시킬 필요성을 감지할 책임이 있습니다.


삼가 고인들의 명복을 빕니다.

firefighters were deployed in Itaewon. However, the scale and intensity of the crush was unprecedented and unexpected. Despite the precautions taken, the situation quickly spiraled out of control." Minister Lee stressed that the priority now is to focus on rescuing and treating the injured. He acknowledged the need to stabilize the situation and prevent further casualties. "We will mobilize all available resources to ensure the safety of the affected individuals and provide the necessary medical assistance," he said. The exact cause of the crush is still under investigation, but initial reports suggest that overcrowding and a lack of proper crowd control measures may have contributed to the incident. Minister Lee promised a thorough investigation to determine the factors that led to this tragedy. In response to criticism regarding the government's handling of the situation, Minister Lee emphasized that it was not possible to predict or prevent such incidents entirely. He highlighted the challenges of managing large-scale events and ensuring public safety, especially in densely-populated areas like Itaewon. Moving forward, the government will review and strengthen safety protocols for future events. Minister Lee assured the public that lessons will be learned from this tragedy and steps will be taken to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. In conclusion, the Itaewon human crush was a tragic incident that could not have been predicted or prevented completely. The government will prioritize the rescue and treatment of the injured, while also conducting a thorough investigation into the cause of the incident. Safety protocols will be reviewed and strengthened to prevent similar incidents in the future.
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