
추억의 게임 핀볼이 사라진 이유


지금은... 아예 가상머신에 XP 깔고 하려나

라고 삼촌이 말한 거에요!

rs ago by a team that no longer existed, it was quite challenging. Eventually, we decided that it would be easier to just remove Pinball from Windows Vista instead of trying to fix the bug. It was a bit of a disappointment for many people who enjoyed playing the game, as Pinball had become somewhat of a nostalgic staple, being included in Windows since Windows 95. But sometimes, tough decisions have to be made in the software development process. However, if you still want to experience the joy of playing Pinball on your Windows Vista or later versions, don't worry! There are fan-made versions available that you can download and play. Some enthusiasts have even made it possible to run the original 3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet on newer operating systems with a few tweaks and adjustments. So, while Pinball may have been removed from Windows Vista and subsequent versions, you can still enjoy the game and relive those fond memories of flipping the ball around and aiming for the high score.
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