전설의 플라시보 효과 .jpg

- 01-17
- 3,247 회
- 0 건
작성된 글은 다음과 같습니다:
"콜론디 @kaauuuk 아는 동생이 군대에서 방마다 에프킬라 뿌려주는 일을 했다고 합니다. 그런데 약이 다 떨어져서 그냥 입으로 씹으면서 돌아다녔다는군요(???) 한창 그러고 있는데, 갑자기 방에 누워있던 고참이 '야 이새끼야!' 하고 화를 냈습니다. 걸린줄 알고 겁나 쫄았는데, 그 고참이 눈 따 가우니까 작작 뿌리라고 욕했다고 합니다."
번역된 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
"ColonD @kaauuuk's younger brother apparently had a job in the military where he would spray F-killah in each room. However, it seems that the medication ran out, so he just chewed it and walked around (?). While he was doing that, suddenly a senior soldier who was lying in his room shouted, 'Hey you bastard!' and got angry. He was really frightened, thinking he got caught, but the senior soldier scolded him, telling him to spray it quietly since he has eyes."