
슈카월드가 자꾸 출산율 주제를 다루는 이유

그동안 출산율 이슈를 여러 번 다뤄왔던 시사 경제 유튜버 슈카

원래는 사회문제뿐만 아니라 대왕고래 꼬추 크기까지 다양하게 다루는데

출산율 문제를 자주 다루기 시작함

과연 슈카는 출산율 떡밥을 물지 않을 수 있을까??

슈카는 왜 그토록 출산율 이슈에 집착하는걸까??

매번 최저가 경신되는 출산율

이건 못 참는다고 함.

The population pyramid of South Korea in the 2100s shows that there are 700 people in their 80s, followed by the 60s age group, the 50s age group, the 40s age group, and the 30s age group. The 20s age group and the 10s age group are decreasing in numbers, with the 0-10 age group being the smallest. The declining birth rate of 0.98 children per woman is a concerning statistic. In 1981, the unmarried rate in the 20s age group was 93% due to the high cost of living. The 2020 New Family Planning Poster encourages people to have a good upbringing for their children. The goal is to show that success comes from raising well-rounded individuals. Chanel also supports the idea of not distinguishing between daughters and sons and emphasizes that 93% of the population is married. However, according to a live broadcast, there is a prediction that in 10 years, South Korea will face an "population earthquake" where a million people will disappear every two years. This is a unique issue that only occurs in South Korea. Suca World, a talk show that simplifies complex economic and social issues, explains why we should focus on the declining birth rate. It's unbelievable that the birth rate in South Korea has dropped to 0.78. The size of a newborn whale shark, the largest creature on Earth, is also discussed. The number of births in the country has decreased by 40% over five years, which is a shocking reality. Suca World highlights the societal problem of not getting married. The show presents how society has drastically changed within just 20 years and discusses the relationship between gender ratio and unmarried rate. It also touches on the labor force participation rate. Additionally, it mentions the average length and diameter of whale sharks, which are incredibly long but thin. They are capable of releasing 16 liters of semen in a single ejaculation. These unique records in South Korea have even caught the attention of international news.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
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