
치매에 걸린 브루스 윌리스의 근황을 알린 딸.jpg


현재 브루스 윌리스는 가족들이 케어 중이라고 함.

*브루스 윌리스는 <다이하드>, <식스센스>로 유명한 20세기 할리우드를 대표하는 액션 배우 중 한 명.

Tallulah Willis recently shared a touching glimpse into her father's life with dementia. In a heartfelt post, she revealed how he spends his days at home. The room is filled with various knickknacks that he has collected over the years, such as vintage toy cars, coins, rocks, and objects made of brass. These items hold sentimental value for him. He likes things that feel heavy in his hand and enjoys spinning them around with his fingers. Music is always playing in the background, providing comfort and joy. Tallulah's post resonated with many, as it showcased the intimate details of her father's struggle with dementia. It was heartbreaking to see a once strong and heroic figure become vulnerable and weakened. Many people drew parallels to movies like "Logan" and "Indiana Jones," where the aging protagonists face similar challenges. It is important to remember that tallulah's father has had a successful career in action movies, but in recent years, he has taken on lighter roles due to the progression of his dementia. This has led to him being labeled as a "light actor" who participates in various projects. It is now evident that his decision was influenced by his deteriorating condition. Tallulah's glimpse into her father's life serves as a reminder of the impact of diseases like dementia and the importance of cherishing and supporting our loved ones who may be suffering. It is a call for empathy and understanding, as we witness the changes and struggles they face on a daily basis.
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