
천조국 성범죄 전과자 처리 현황


우리도 인간적으로 집 앞에 말뚝은 하나 박아 줘야 하지 않겠습니까?

will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Residents are urged to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity. Pedophile free zones have been established within city limits to protect the community from harmful individuals like these. Parents, keep a close eye on your children and do not let them out of your sight. The safety of our neighborhood is paramount. Be on the lookout and share any information that could help keep our community safe. Remember, the authorities are watching closely to ensure the safety of everyone. Stay informed and stay safe. Do not let these predators harm our children. Your children's safety is our top priority. Be aware, be alert, and be proactive in protecting our community. The presence of these dangerous individuals is a threat to us all. Keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior and report it immediately. We must all work together to keep our neighborhood safe from these predators. Do not hesitate to report any concerning activity to the authorities. Remember, we are all in this together to keep our community safe from harm. Let's protect our children and our community from these dangerous individuals. Be on the lookout and stay informed to ensure the safety of our neighborhood.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
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3303 정말 특이하다고 생각한 이혼사유 666 04:58
3302 스무디 주문하고 믹서기 소리 줄여 달라는 손님 1,181 11-24
3301 당뇨 환자가 제로식품 먹어보고 혈당체크해봄 1,300 11-24
3300 운석 충돌현장에서 발견된 우주 생명체 1,563 11-24
3299 30이후로 진리라고 생각하는 말 1,650 11-24
3298 그 여대 톡방 현실적 대안 1,807 11-23
3297 동덕여대 이거 진짜임?? 1,924 11-23
3296 동덕여대 진짜 무책임하다 1,812 11-23
3295 EMP를 사서 쏘면 CCTV 데이터를 지울 수 있다!! 2,218 11-23
3294 시위 전문가가 본 동덕여대 사태 2,156 11-22
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3292 광고모델 능욕 레전드.JPG 2,022 11-22
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3288 우크라이나 외교 실책 추가.jpg 2,121 11-21
3287 귤 5kg를 샀는데 4.5kg만 온 이유 2,046 11-21
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3284 냉혹한 비싸진 우유와 호황인 우유 업계의 세계.jpg 1,980 11-20
3283 위안부 학살하고 우물에 버린 일본군의 만행 2,110 11-20
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3278 대한민국 찐 대학생 3,081 11-17
3277 중국 유명한 산 정상 바위 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 2,961 11-17
3276 이대생들 동덕여대에 선긋기 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 2,009 11-17
3275 어느 어린이집의 공문.JPG 1,942 11-17
3274 영화 클래식 명장면 1,728 11-16