
예능서 튀어 나와버린 김희애 인성 ㅎㄷㄷ


인성보소 딴사람 생각해서 배려도 저리 잘하고

Caranti Bank is hosting a special singing competition, "Caranti Bank's Perfect Singer vs. Golden Friday," on live TV. The show will air at 11:30 AM. The two contestants, Perfect Singer and Golden Friday, will be judged by their older sister, Cusin, who is known for her expertise in singing. The contestants will compete to see who is the best singer. In other news, there is a subway that runs from 6 AM onwards. This is convenient for those who need to commute early in the morning. The subway is a popular mode of transportation, especially during rush hour. Back to the singing competition, there is a lot of anticipation for the performance of the "Perfect Singer" and "Golden Friday." The two contestants are highly skilled and have a strong fan base. The show is a special Christmas edition and promises to be a memorable event. Moving on to the current time, it is currently 4:30 AM, which means the singing competition will start in a few hours at 11:30 AM. Viewers are eager to watch the competition and see who will come out on top. One of the highlights of the show is the V-Scanner, a state-of-the-art scanning system that will analyze and score the contestants' performances. The judges are looking for perfection and want to see who can achieve the highest score. In other news, it is important to know the departure time of the bus. The bus will leave in approximately 20 minutes, so it is crucial to be on time. The singing competition will start at 11:30 AM, so make sure to catch the bus and not miss the show. Caranti Bank's Perfect Singer vs. Golden Friday special is generating a lot of excitement and is expected to be a fiery competition. The show aims to find the ultimate winner among the contestants and provide a thrilling entertainment experience for the viewers. Lastly, there is a mention of a Turkish superstar named Slakki, who will be featured on the show starting this week. Fans are eagerly awaiting his performance and are excited to see what he will bring to the competition. In conclusion, the Perfect Singer vs. Golden Friday singing competition is highly anticipated, and viewers are eager to see who will emerge as the ultimate winner. The show promises to showcase the contestants' singing abilities and entertain the audience with thrilling performances. So don't miss the bus and tune in at 11:30 AM to witness the excitement!
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