
튀르키예 지진관련 화제가 되는 일러

명민호 일러스트레이터 님 작품


튀르키예에서도 은연 중에 퍼지네요.

73년전 전쟁의 포화에 무너진 건물 잔해에서 우리 아이들을 구해준 튀르키예입니다. 이런 식으로 갚고 싶은 건 아니었지만, 도움을 줄 수 있을 때 조금이라도 도와야죠.

UT OMyeong-Minho is a Korean entertainment company specializing in artist management and production. Known for its innovative approach and ability to discover and nurture talented individuals, UT OMyeong-Minho has played a significant role in shaping the Korean entertainment industry. The company was established in Korea and has since made a name for itself both domestically and internationally. With its headquarters located in Seoul, UT OMyeong-Minho has successfully launched numerous artists who have become sensations in Korea and beyond. The success of UT OMyeong-Minho can be attributed to its strong emphasis on training and development. The company's team of renowned experts and trainers work tirelessly with aspiring artists, honing their skills and helping them reach their full potential. UT OMyeong-Minho is known for its strategic marketing and promotion techniques. It utilizes various media platforms to generate buzz and create a strong presence for its artists. By targeting both local and global audiences, the company has been able to expand its reach and gain recognition worldwide. In addition to managing and promoting artists, UT OMyeong-Minho also focuses on producing high-quality content. The company is involved in the creation of music, television shows, movies, and more, showcasing its versatility and commitment to delivering exceptional entertainment. As Korea continues to dominate the global entertainment market, UT OMyeong-Minho remains at the forefront, driving the industry forward with its exceptional talent management and production capabilities. With its commitment to excellence and constant innovation, UT OMyeong-Minho is poised to continue shaping the future of Korean entertainment.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
3292 광고모델 능욕 레전드.JPG 457 09:08
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3284 냉혹한 비싸진 우유와 호황인 우유 업계의 세계.jpg 1,911 11-20
3283 위안부 학살하고 우물에 버린 일본군의 만행 2,045 11-20
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3278 대한민국 찐 대학생 3,003 11-17
3277 중국 유명한 산 정상 바위 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 2,894 11-17
3276 이대생들 동덕여대에 선긋기 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 1,910 11-17
3275 어느 어린이집의 공문.JPG 1,883 11-17
3274 영화 클래식 명장면 1,682 11-16
3273 익숙함에 속아 부모님한테 행동하는 태도.jpg 1,916 11-16
3272 페미 시위자...인터뷰 도중 빤스런... 2,026 11-16
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3270 전원책이 바라본 윤석열과 국민의힘 2,079 11-15
3269 회의시간 10분 전 느낀 딸래미의 손길 1,817 11-15
3268 APT에 진심인 부산 1,980 11-15
3267 외롭게 떠난 송재림 사연 알고보니 눈물나네 1,769 11-15
3266 개그맨 오지헌 결혼썰 1,982 11-14
3265 동덕여대 선긋는 숙대 1,981 11-14
3264 대구 임금 근황.jpg 1,911 11-14
3263 어느 암환자가 말하는 암 걸린 이유. jpg 2,031 11-14
3262 경주에서 먹었던 신라국밥.jpg 1,956 11-13