
녹조제거기술을 만든 8살 과학영재


8-year-old prodigy Edison's excavation team is conducting an experiment to remove algae. They are currently undergoing a re-evaluation of MB for reapproval and are accepting viewer opinions for a better broadcast. They hope for active participation from viewers, and for more details, they can refer to the Ye Expeditionary Development Team for Science Prodigies led by Hong Junsu. The team is focused on developing an algae removal robot, and 8-year-old science prodigy Hong Junsu is leading the team. In addition to the algae removal robot, they are also working on utilizing the principles of water purifiers based on particle size. Young Edison, who is explaining these principles, is featured in episode 199. The team is determined to create an algae removal robot, and with the leadership of 8-year-old science prodigy Hong Junsu, they continue their excavation work. They are working on the development of an algae removal robot and are focused on division des public neann advisory for algal blooms. They are using hydrogen peroxide to control and remove algae. The team consists of science prodigies aged 8 and above, and they are conducting an excavation to remove algae. After 4 hours of intensive work, 8-year-old Yu successfully removes algae. The excavation team is working on the development of a robot to remove algae. They are also focusing on the application and evaluation of their algae removal method.

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