
옛날에 1달러로 살 수 있던것들

When I was a young boy, my mother would give me a dollar and send me to the local store. I would return home with a bounty of goods - five potatoes, two loaves of bread, three bottles of milk, a chunk of cheese, a box of tea, and six eggs. It was an adventure, a test of my resourcefulness and negotiation skills. But times have changed. In today's world, it's impossible to replicate that childhood experience. The abundance of security cameras, with their watchful eyes, has put an end to such innocent exploits. Every move is scrutinized, every transaction recorded. It's like being caught in a web of surveillance, unable to navigate freely without being noticed. Oh, how I long for those simpler days, when a dollar could stretch so far and the only obstacle in my path was the choice between Swiss or cheddar cheese. Now, the very essence of spontaneity and adventure has been suffocated by the watchful gaze of CCTV cameras. They have become the unwanted intruders in our lives, stripping away the freedom that once defined us. So, as I reflect on my childhood escapades, I can't help but curse the multitude of security cameras that have taken away our innocence and replaced it with a constant sense of scrutiny. It's a bitter reminder that even the simplest joys in life can be tainted by the relentless march of technology.
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