
괄약근이 저절로 조여지는 초콜릿 레터링 케이크 썰




나는 지금 상황이 미치도록 무서운 것을 깨닫게됐다Café 아프니까 Yesterday night, as I was waiting for a delivery, laughing and watching YouTube carefreely, suddenly - oh! My stomach hurts! It's not just a mild pain, it's a very sharp pain that made me break out into a cold sweat. I thought to myself, if I don't go now, something serious might happen! Hurriedly grabbing tissues, I went to the store. Ding dong! Delivery! Oh no... why now... as I walked back to the counter, I thought If I don't go now, something bad might happen... the delivery rang... Should I take more time... but that might affect my sales... should I just cancel? But then the sales... With sweat pouring down my face, I went to the counter to check the order form, and it was a lettering cake order. Oh, this is hard to finish quickly... what should I do... While struggling to regain my composure, I checked the requested message on the order form. Request: at the store : Message: Congratulations on becoming a dad, I love you. Delivery: Please call before arriving at the hospital. Immediately, I thought, I have to do this quickly. The delivery location was a women's hospital. Even if I'm rough, I have to send it quickly. Melt the chocolate, write the message, hands trembling, cold sweat running down. I realized how terrifying the situation was right now.

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