
속옷회사 이벤트 근황

Björn Borg, a Swedish underwear company, announced that they will be distributing a large amount of underwear as a form of mass seduction in a location that was voted for by the public. After receiving nominations, Pyongyang, North Korea was selected as the winner. The city, known for its inaccessibility, was seen as the perfect challenge for the company. One member of the company's team bravely traveled to Pyongyang to carry out the mission. The plan was to drop 450 pairs of underwear from an aircraft onto the city. However, there were concerns about the potential backlash from the North Korean government if they were to discover the operation. Despite these risks, the company went through with the plan. They launched the aircraft from Sweden and successfully dropped the underwear over Pyongyang. It was a daring and unconventional approach to seduction, with the hope of bringing some love and excitement to the city. The response to the operation was mixed. Some praised the company for their boldness and creativity, while others criticized it as a publicity stunt. Nonetheless, the mission was considered a success, as the company was able to deliver their "weapons of mass seduction" to the people of Pyongyang. In the end, the Björn Borg team accomplished their goal of bringing a unique form of seduction to a city in need. It was a memorable and adventurous experience, demonstrating the company's commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring new ways to promote their brand.

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