
외국인들의 소주 맛 평가.jpg

"Hey, Christine! It's been a while since we traveled in Korea. Day 1 is finally here. Let's start with some Korean soju, it's so refreshing. Have you tried it before? All it does is, it creates the need to then eat more to wash the taste of that out. It's just a vicious cycle. The soju in the market doesn't taste good, it smells like medical alcohol. John Frankel, a professor at Yonsei University Underwood International College, is a 'unique' foreigner who makes his own distilled soju at home. It's been over 10 years living in Korea, it's just a vicious cycle. (Soju...) (So this is what you look like) Only the smell of hand sanitizer reminds me of the typical praise foreigners usually have for the soju in the market, it's harsh, it feels like I drank rubbing alcohol."
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